Small farms deliver their coffee cherries to a local cooperative, where they are pooled and processed together.

Mezcla Encanto
Este es nuestro café de autor
Esta mezcla, la culminación de años de preparación, es un testimonio del matrimonio armonioso de la generosidad de la naturaleza, el arduo trabajo de los productores de café y el arte de los tostadores. Con cada sorbo, te embarcas en un viaje sensorial, una sinfonía de sabores que bailan en tu paladar.
Nuestra mezcla única, un tributo a las montañas colombianas y al compromiso inquebrantable de quienes cultivan sus granos, es un testimonio del espíritu indomable de los caficultores y la búsqueda de la perfección. Déjese transportar al corazón de Colombia con cada sorbo, donde los años de elaboración han culminado en una experiencia de café verdaderamente extraordinaria.
Con una dulzura inherente, deliciosas notas cítricas y una agradable esencia frutal, su perfil de sabor se caracteriza por una sinfonía de sabores que encapsula la esencia de la tradición cafetera colombiana. Su aroma es tentador con toques de frutos rojos, chocolate y un refrescante trasfondo cítrico. Logre un delicioso equilibrio con su acidez media que armoniza con sus notas afrutadas y dulces. Disfruta de su cuerpo medio con una textura cremosa. Nuestro café te deleita con sus excepcionales sabores y características, una experiencia verdaderamente satisfactoria
Flavor: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Red Berries, Cherries, and Blueberries
Elevate your palate with a fusion of dark chocolate, caramel, and the lively notes of red berries, cherries, and blueberries. Your desire for sweet and fruity, bright cravings are met in this world of luscious flavors.
Aroma and Fragrance: Chocolate and Red Berries
Uncover the intoxicating aroma of chocolate and red berries — an enticing and captivating fragrance. Give yourself the gift of personal relaxation and personal well being.
Acidity: Low - Medium
Savor the low - medium acidity — a gentle touch brushing your taste buds. Perfect for your appeal to a more subdued and straightforward flavor.
Body: Medium - Creamy
Immerse yourself in the medium creamy body — a feeling of luxury that glides across your palate. It provides enough substance, while also maintaining a level of lightness that keeps the coffee from being overly heavy.
Encanto's blend boasts Castillo, Colombian coffee resistant to common plant diseases — especially coffee leaf rust. Join a comunidad committed to sustainable coffee cultivation.
Experience crisp and refreshing notes with a sweet, pleasant, and well-balanced dimension. Perfect for your next business meetings, parche, or casual conversations — an invitation to savor the moments no matter where you are.
Witness Our Ritual
Mix of Washed + Natural
An excellent blend when you appreciate the brightness of washed coffee and the joy of sweetness in natural coffee.
Proud Producer
Gustavo Valderrama
Please welcome Gustavo Valderrama Tascon — a hard working Caleño holding the prestigious Q GRADER version 4.1 license. He stands as a respected member acknowledged by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).
Over the past decade, Gustavo has engaged himself in the exploration of the sensory wonders of the Colombian coffee realm.. His dedication extends beyond the cup — delving into the intricate nuances shaped by the growth and roasting processes. On his journey, he uncovers the secrets behind obtaining exotic flavors and captivating aromas unique to Colombian coffee.
Gustavo's influence extends globally — marking his presence at major international events. His expertise isn't confined to tasting alone; he takes on the responsibility of crafting and nurturing international coffee brands, earning them exceptional recognition.

The Inception of Our Signature Blend
Origin: Valle de Cauca
Elevation: 1.200 - 2.100 MASL
Encanto blossoms in the heart of Valle de Cauca, Colombia — a place where the love and appreciation for coffee is met with Valle de Cauca’s rich terrain.We create the perfect canvas for our Encanto blend by nurturing it in Valle de Cauca’s diverse elevations and cooled breath of higher altitudes.
- Valle del Cauca, Colombia, is ideal for growing Castillo natural coffee due to its diverse elevation range and cooler temperatures at higher altitudes
- The region's plentiful rainfall and moderate temperatures create favorable conditions for healthy coffee plant growth.
- Rich, volcanic soils and a thriving ecosystem contribute to the unique flavors found in Valle del Cauca's coffee beans.
From Farm to Community
Quality Control and Export
The cooperative dries, mills, and grades the coffee beans, ensuring quality and consistency. They then export the beans to international buyers.
Reaching the Roasters
The exporter sells the coffee beans to specialty coffee roasters around the world. Roasters select beans based on their unique flavor profiles.
From Roaster to Your Cup
The roaster roasts the beans to perfection, then sells them to cafes, shops, or directly to consumers. Finally, you get to enjoy a delicious cup of Colombian specialty coffee!
Voices from the Comunidad
What our customers are saying